We’re pleased to introduce the latest version of Wooberly.

About Wooberly:

Wooberly is a Uber clone app solution that helps entrepreneurs to set up their taxi booking business efficiently.

So, what’s new with Wooberly v1.7.1?

Background location fetch [Privacy update]
Privacy policy update [Rider and Driver apps]

Background location fetch [Privacy update]:

In the previous release,

We have launched the Wooberly – Uber clone app with the background location fetching feature even when the app is closed or running in the background.

In this latest version,

We’re always one step ahead!

As per the new policy update from Google’s PlayStore team, we’ve launched the same set of features but with the popup to notify the drivers about the location fetching feature.


Privacy policy update [Rider and Driver apps]:

In this latest release, we’ve added the privacy policy under the ‘Legal’ section of rider and driver apps.

The content can be edited by the admin at any time. The changes will be reflected in the ‘Legal’ section available in the driver app.

Steps to edit:

Go to the admin panel and click the ‘Manage Static Content’ tab.
Manage static content

Select ‘Privacy Policy’ from the list of options available.
Privacy policy

Here you can add or edit the page details such as meta title, meta description, page banner, and content.

So these are the features and updates that are included in this latest release of Wooberly.

To explore the new features, visit the below links:



We appreciate your feedback. Feel free to drop your queries and feedback at [email protected]

Our team is working hard to provide the best feature possible.

New Version: Wooberly v1.8