
Startup Sale: Flat 40% off

Grab 40% off on all our products and packages

All the features, covered

Find preferred stores

Use the delivery type filter option and categories found on the search page to find the needed store.

Choose add-on items

Include add-on items in the cart if the store offers add-ons with that particular item in their menu.

Choose takeaway option

Collect the order in person by accessing the 'Takeaway' options on the cart page when placing the order.

Select delivery options

Choose from delivery options like 'meet at door,' 'leave at door,' and 'pick up outside' to receive the order accordingly.

Give delivery instructions

Give delivery instructions to the delivery partners if needed, so they can view and deliver the order accordingly.

Multiple payment options

Pay for orders with a preferred payment method, such as cash, credit or debit card, wallet, and PayPal.

Apply promo codes

Apply the available promo codes to receive deductions from the order subtotal, when paying for the orders.

Get push notifications

Get push notifications on all order status updates, from store confirmation to delivery and delivery partner ratings.

Track order status

Track the status of all current orders from the 'Track Order' page, from store order confirmation until delivery.

Use chat & call options

Contact the delivery partner using the call or in-app chat options and clarify any queries about the delivery.

Give ratings

Rate the delivery partner and the store based on the delivery experience and item quality accordingly.

Tip the delivery partner

Add a tip for the delivery partner based on the delivery experience, when choosing a non-cash payment method.

Manage all orders

Access all current and past order details, including the ordered items, delivery partner details, store, and more.

Edit profile details

Edit the customer profile details, such as the profile photo, first name, the last name, and the password.

Pay using wallet

Pay for orders using the in-app wallet option, then top up the wallet with credit or debit card details.

Save delivery locations

Save two often used locations, such as 'Home' and 'Work', to conveniently set the delivery location for orders.

Use preferred language

Access the app in multiple languages from options including English, French, Arabic, and more.

Get a complete product demo

Understand the product's features better with a demo

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The terms Airbnb, Uber, Uber Eats, Turo, Instacart, and other brand names are used solely for marketing purposes, and we have no association with any of these companies. The source code and design of our products are entirely our own, and we do not use any of their copyrighted materials.