All the features, covered
Find the service
Search for the needed services categories by using the search field or by accessing the popular services found on the search page.
Select multiple category
Select all the necessary services and combine them into a single booking to receive all the desired services at once.
Add job description and images
Include a detailed explanation of the services needed, along with relevant images that service providers can use to understand the job.
Get estimated fare
Get an estimated fare for the services and the subtotal for the job before actually booking it to decide whether or not to book it.
Access promo codes
Apply the promo codes available on the platform to receive deductions from the job's subtotal when paying for the bookings.
Use preferred payment options
Select the preferred payment option from the multiple payment methods, like cash, wallet, Google Pay, and debit or credit card.
Schedule jobs
Schedule the needed services for a convenient time by selecting the required services and specifying the desired date and time.
Cancel job
Cancel bookings at any time before the service provider begins working on the job without incurring any charges.
Track job
Track the progress of the booked services by accessing the 'Track Job' page and getting real-time updates on the status of the job.
Contact service provider
Use the call and in-app chat options and communicate with service providers to address any queries or concerns regarding the job.
Get push notifications
Get push notifications on all job updates, like provider acceptance, changes in job status, payment confirmations, and rating notifications.
View job timeline
View a detailed timeline of the job's progress in hour-based jobs, including any breaks or pauses that may have occurred during the job.
Tip the service provider
Add a tip for the service provider when paying for the job using a non-cash method, based on the quality of the service they offered.
Rate the service provider
Add a star rating for the service provider based on the quality of the services they offer. This rating will be visible to other users.
View current & past bookings
View details about all their current and past bookings, like the services booked, the dates and times, the service providers, and more.
Edit profile
Edit the profile details, including the first name, last name, and profile image, to ensure that the profile presents accurate information.
Pay using wallet
Use the platform's in-app wallet to conveniently pay for services, which can also be easily topped up using credit or debit cards.
Save the location
Save frequently used locations, such as 'Home' and 'Other' addresses, and use them to quickly select the location when booking a job.
Use preferred currency
Set any of the multiple currency choices offered on the platform as the app's currency, including USD, AUD, EUR, JPY, NZD, KRW, and more.
Multi-language option
Access the app in the preferred language from the multiple options available, including English, Spanish, French, Japanese, and more.
Access light & dark theme option
Select the preferred theme for the app, choosing between light and dark modes, or set it to match the default theme of the device.
Get a complete product demo
Understand the product's features better with a demo