All the features, covered
Use advanced filters
Use advanced filters such as price range, dietary, and delivery type to find restaurants that match personal preferences.
View specific menus
Use the menu filters to quickly find a specific menu on the restaurant page by clicking on the desired menu.
Choose add-ons
Include add-on options for items in the cart if the restaurant provides add-ons for those specific items.
Delivery or takeaway option
Get the order delivered or opt for takeaway by accessing the ‘Delivery’ and ‘Takeaway’ options.
Add delivery instructions
Provide delivery instructions for the delivery partner to follow, ensuring accurate and timely order delivery.
Select delivery option
Access the delivery options to get contactless delivery, including 'meet at door', 'leave at door', and 'pick up outside'.
Multiple payment options
Pay for the orders using multiple payment methods, including cash, credit or debit card, and wallet options.
Push notifications
Receive push notifications for all order status updates, from order confirmation until the delivery of the food.
Track order status
Track the status of all current orders using the 'Track Order' page, from restaurant confirmation until delivery.
Use the chat or call option
Contact the delivery partner via call or in-app chat options to clarify all queries regarding the order or delivery.
Add ratings
Rate the delivery partner and the restaurant based on the delivery experience and order quality accordingly.
Tip the delivery partner
Add a tip for the delivery partner based on the delivery experience when choosing a non-cash payment method.
Manage user profile
Edit the profile details, including the profile photo, first name, last name, and password at any time.
Pay with wallet
Pay for the orders using the wallet option, and top up the wallet with the credit or debit card details.
Save delivery locations
Save two frequently used locations, such as ‘Home’ and 'Work', to easily update the delivery location.
Multi-language support
Access the app in multiple languages from options including, English, French, Spanish, and more.
Get a complete product demo
Understand the product's features better with a demo